About Us



Active since 2003, Micro-Recyc Cooperation promotes social economy and international cooperation. It is based in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Our mandate is to computerize educational establishments in developing countries and educate people in developed countries about the issue of e-waste. Our mission is empowering people through ICTs. 

Operating from Montreal, we collect and refurbish donated IT equipment, send it to developing countries and do public education on e-waste in Quebec, Canada. We provide computers to educational institutions and establish Learning Centres.



  • We collect a set of computers from your office or home

  • People bring their computers to our office at 7000 Park Avenue (ave. du Parc), office 310 in Montreal (Monday to Friday; 9 am to 5 pm)

  • We also collect them at information kiosks in Montreal and certain collection points in the province of Quebec


Computer Rooms

  • We set up ready-to-use computer rooms with all the necessary equipment such as computers, printers and so on

  • We train local teachers in different levels of computer literacy who can then transmit these skills to students

  • The computer rooms are the first step in empowering people to become self-sufficient in using computers

  • These rooms are in Cameron, Burkina Faso, Haiti, Cuba and other countries we work in


Education & Outreach

  • We create awareness about e-waste, the digital divide and the benefits of reuse

  • We set up information kiosks in educational institutions and at relevant events in Montreal and elsewhere in Quebec

  • We offer creative workshops in making jewellery and decorative objects with discarded electronic parts


Learning Centre

  • The goal of the learning centres is sharing knowledge and facilitating community development with the help of ICTs

  • Once computer literate, an individual can access information and share knowledge

  • Our two learning centers are Cameroon and Haiti

  • This project was executed with the support of the International Organization of the Francophonie

  • Learn more about the learning centers



Local: We offer the opportunity to intern in our Montreal office in the following areas:

  • Maintenance & computer repair

  • Communication and promotion

  • Social networking

  • Fundraising

International: internships through Micro-Recyc with our partner organizations in Burkina Faso, Cameroo &, Haiti (more information in French)

In the past we also offered some internships through Québec Sans Frontiers (Quebec Without Borders)



  • Solidarity journeys are open to adults who want to support our partner organizations in developing countries

  • The possible destinations are Burkina Faso, Cameroon and Haiti

  • You decide how much time you want to spend there

  • Combine solidarity work with the pleasures of travel; discover the beauty of these regions, their cuisine and local culture

  • Contact us for is you're interested

Let The Number Speak

Tons of E-Waste saved

Beneficiaries: in the education sector
SCOUNTRIES: Burkina Faso, Cameroun, Costa Rica, Cuba, Gabon, Guinée, Haiti, Niger...

Years in the field, active since 2003
Active since 2003, Micro-Recyc Cooperation promotes social economy and international cooperation. It is based in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Our mandate is to computerize educational establishments in developing countries and educate people in developed countries about the issue of e-waste. Our mission is empowering people through ICTs.



  • To empower disadvantaged populations by facilitating the access, transfer and ownership of ICTs.



  • To enhance human capacity vis-a-vis ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies)



  • We give a second life to used IT materials collected in developed countries to benefit educational institutions in developing countries.

  • We offer training opportunities in developing countries as well as in Montreal to young Quebecois. We also offer new immigrants the possibility of gaining work experience.

  • We educate people about e-waste



  •  Jean Étoulem Essoungou: Director General & Co-founder

  • Julienne Douki: Project Director & Co-founder

  • Philippe Yu: In charge of Internships, Solidarity Journeys and Education and Outreach

  • Franck Billaud: In charge of Communications and Learning Centres in Cameroun and Haiti



  • Philippe Nguene Nguene, President

  • Jocelyne Gadbois, Treasurer

  • Rosalie Hornik, Administrator

  • Rose Ngo Ndjel, Administrator

  • Sylvie Parent, Secretary

  • Hamza Lakrout, Administrator

  • David Nouvel, Administrator


Our partners

In Canada:

  • Association québécoise des organismes de coopération internationale (AQOCI), Corporation de développement économique et communautaire (CDEC) du Centre-Nord, Caisse d'économie solidaire Desjardins, Conseil régional de l'environnement de Montréal (CRÉ-Montréal), Emploi Québec, Fondation familiale Trottier, Fondation François Bourgeois, Fondation internationale Roncalli, La fondation McLean, Microsoft Registered Refurbisher, Ministère des Relations Internationales du Québec, Ville de Montréal, Uquam (Université du Québec à Montréal)...

In Africa and Haiti:

  • l'Institution St Francois d'Assise de Grand Goave en Haiti, les clercs de St viateur, le centre de savoir du Manengouba, Zod Neere du Burkina Faso, Mairie du Niger